A Balsa For " Bald Eagle "

" Bald Eagle "

A.K.A. John Doran asked me for this float about 12 months ago and I have only just got around to making it. 
( Sorry John )

One of "Eagle" in his famous green suit !!!!!!!!!!

It smells like his infamous
Sorry pal.
Here is a better picture of the Eagle . . . . .
One to keep the ladies happy . . . . .
" You know it "

His cheese paste is magical though !!!!!!!!

A 5lb 2 oz Chub from a so called " Barren" stretch of the River Irwell last week says it is !!!!!!!

Top angling my friend.

He asked for a float similar to a loafer but with an insert. 
He wanted it for bouncing about big pieces of meat  in very and lumps of bread, for barbel and chub in very fast, deepish runs on the River Ribble but versatile enough to put bunches of maggots and catch the silvers when present.

So I made him this Big Balsa Float.

She takes around 8 swan.
A little light for your requirements John, sorry fella.
I will add an inch and a half for the next one John....lol.

Lets hope you can bag an . . . .

" Irwell Barbel "

With this to pal.  ðŸ˜‰

Until the next time . . . . .



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊


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