Welcome to my current live float page.

2021 - Present.

Feel free look and comment on anything you see.

Here is a link to my previous float page

2017 - 2021

Fluted Slate Grey Avons comimg in at 4.8g which are lighter than I wanted but as they say....its all a learning curve!!! 😊

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Green, yellow & red is not a combnation that readly springs to mind but after an hour free styling one evening I came up with this

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I have been promising myself that I would make some more...

"Heavy Irwell Sticks With Hardwood Stems"

 since the trip to the River Wye with John Derbyshire.

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More Antenne Wagglers this week.

Two at 5AAA & Two at 5BB.

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I fancied making some more

"5AAA Antennae Wagglers"

as they are my go to float on slow running rivers fishing for roach and bream down the middle wind permitting.

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Made these with balsa, hardwood and alloy for the stems.

Made in three different sizes:

5BB - 1.6g.

3AAA - 2.4g,

5AAA - 4.0g.

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Refurbished and old float box and filled it full of river floats.

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5AAA plus avons finished with charcoal & slate grey paint on the bodies, white and fluorescent & orange tips. Threads used were black and gold.

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Red white and blue Carp Stalkers In Sarkanda reed.

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This time I have made a set of six of the 4g Antenee Wagglers Loaded & Adjustable.

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Insert Wagglers must be the bread and butter float for a lot of anglers because of its versitility.
Below are six I have just completed.
All these floats take approximately 
4 - 5 BB 0.8 - 1.0 g.

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This week I have completed a brace of ....

Internal, Sliding Avons, 6g.

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Inserted Yellow 50:50 Wagglers.

Made with Sarkanda and hardwood these are a very vesitle pattern used for many different angling situations.

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Perch Bobbers - Old School & Sliding.

Six Gram Adjustable, Self Cocking Loaded, Bodied, Wagglers one with a sight tip, one without.

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Inverted Teardrop, Alloy Stem Avons" Taking approximately 3 no 4s (0.6 g) for light river work..

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Internal, Sliding Avons, 6g. 

These are made of balsa with black, hollow stems, fluorescent orange tips & charcoal bodies.

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A Goose Quill & Crow Quill Tipped Fluted Avons With Hardwood Stems.

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Inserted 50.50 Charcoal Sarkanda Wagglers.

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A Heavy, Inverted, Tear Drop, Fluted Avon With A Hardwood Stem.

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This quartet are my last floats of 2023.

Inserted 50:50 Small Camo Green Wagglers + Heavy Hardwood Stem Irwell Sticks.

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December 2023

 Merry Christmas Everyone.

It's been a bit of a weird year for me regarding fishing.I have suffered badly with motivation and opportunities to wet a line.

Lets hope 2024 is a better year for me personally regarding fishing.I have, however, keep busy float making and have a few surplus floats left over from 2023 builds.

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"Flutted Avons In Olive Green"

The float in the foreground (right) has a hardwood tip, the float in the background (left) has a crow quill tip.

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Here are some additions for my trip to the Wye next summer.The floats below are  5AAA Hardwood Stem Irwell Sicks.

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Built for fast, shallow, water these five avons will soon be trundling down the River Rhine in Austria.

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This is my second attempt at a fluted float.

This is a large float, simple in decor, built for certain sections of the River Wye, which I have yet to have the pleasure of fishing but if its anything like the Severn it should serve well for fishing with larger, heavier baits like meat, large pellet & paste.

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Below, is a 7AAA Oval Fluted Avon for barbel and chub fishing made with a balsa body and a hardwood stem

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4g, Shouldered Alloy Stick Floats for a trip on

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A quartet of Classic 3AAA Drift Beaters in Royal Blue.

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Also in olive greean are these.....
 3AAA Antenna Bodied Wagglers.

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A quartet of Two Tone Inseted Wagglers in olive green.

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11g Barbel Stick and its little brother, a 5g Irwell Stick.

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Various loaded & unloaded sticks and avons.

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Inverted Porqupine Quills.

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Mini Irwell Sticks.

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Classice Drift Beaters.

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I started making these around 2018 for stalking carp in the margins.
Glow in the dark carp stalkers.

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More Perch Bobbers.

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The prial of perch/grayling Bobbers below are made from balsa with a hard wood stem, olive green and fluorescent orange paints, black and yellow threads plus a hand turned brass eye.
4 - 6 AAA depending on bait size

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4BB True Driftbeaters finished in slate grey with black/gold whippings plus a fluorescent pink sight bob.

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Olive Green, Staight Wagglers made for maggot and bread fishing on the lower River Ribble this summer.

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I am getting ready for the 16th already and still playing with avons.
Here are two 3g in yellow which is a colour I do not use very often.

Six Gram Adjustable, Self Cocking Loaded, Bodied, Wagglers.

I have never made an adjustable version before and enjoyed the new build.

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The four stick floats are made with balsa, an alloy stem, black/ gold whippings, red/pink fluorescent tips and a game feather.

The set of five Chubber floats below all take approximately 6 swan shot or 9.6g in new money.

Small Alloy Stem Avons this week.Both are colours I really like......Gothic metallic burgandy and purple.

3 - 4g 50:50 Blue Alloy Stem Avons

Still playing with avons.
Here are two 3g in yellow which I do not use very often

3-4 g and 1.0g  thin tipped alloy stem avons.

Large Tipped Mini Grey Alloy Stem Avons.

Two Sets Of Black Alloy Stem Avons 5AAA & 5no 4s.

50:50 Little & Large Avons In Dark Oak & Flame RedWith Hardwood Stems.


50:50 Black Alloy Stem 3g Avons.

Large Heavy Duty Slate Grey Avons

Summer Camo.-5 BB Avons 

These Loaded Sight Bob Wagglers are similar to the previous set except they have eyes on the base and scarlet whippings on the bob........

This weeks offerings are a pair of the new Shouldered Stick Floats. These are lighter than the previous ones taking approximately
 5 no 4s.

Ultimate Ledger Floats.

Yellow stems and half and orange, half yellow sight bobs were requested with the rest of the decore left to me.

I opted for a Hunter Green Body,

(It's my thing at the momement)

with black & yellow threads.

Antennae Bodied Wagglers.
Made with balsa and hard wood these floats are designed to be fished with float adaptors (stems are 3mm) instead of an eye.

All floats have black tips for better vision when the surface of the water is very ligh

Thick Tipped Tear Drop Avons.

5AAA Hunter Green Bodied Waglers


Stone Grey & Oak Bodied Wagglers

5BB Slate Grey & Aqua Avons

5AAA Charcoal Grey Two Tone Avons

5BB Red Avons.

4AAA Hunter green Avons

5AAA Mixed Avons with Hard Wood Stems

4AAA Charcoal Avons

4AAA Paianted & Stained Avons With Hardwood Stems

Light Grey Avons with Hardwood Stems

Hardwood stemmed Stick Floats

Stone Grey Waggler Family

Two Tone Inserted Wagglers - Paint & Stain.

Hardwood Stemmed Avons

Mustard, Inseted Wagglers With Vibrant Red Whippings

Stepped, Inserted, Bodied, Wagglers in Pearlescent Burgundy

Staight, Hardwood Stemed Irwell Sticks

Perch Bobbber.
Balsa body, hardwood stem.


Top of my skill set.
Coccobolo Harwood Stemmed Heavy Stick Floats.

Small, Tench, Sight Bob Wagglers

Some more of the Pale Blue Inserted Wagglers this week. 


Another pair of the Green Inserted Wagglers

Small two tone sight bob waggler with a feather inlay.


This weeks offerings are a prial of stained trotters.

Two large Irwell Sticks &
One Chuber.

Only a  pair of Inverted Porcupine Quills this week, one red/pink and glow in the dark yellow.........been busy at work.


Hard to get motivated in this heat but I managed to knocked up another pair of these over the weekend.
Reed, Straight Inserted Wagglers
With black, green, gold and crimson threads.


A slightly different set of four
Straight Inserted Wagglers.
Finished with red and white paint with orange & red fluorescent tips.
Whippings used were rose gold, black burgundy, red and black.
The floats will be at home on running or still water with smaller baits such as maggots, casters, hemp etc.


I have a pair of
 stick floats to offer this week,
One domed, one shouldered both stained threads used were black, grey and rose gold with red/pink fluorescent tips.

One is for Ian Hayes as mentioned last week. The other is for myself for some pacey River Ribble swims I know.
I hope you like them.


Below are some river floats just finshed for someone who has put a hell of a lot of work into looking after the river Irwell.

From top to bottom.
Barbel Stick.
Irwell stick.

The above should cover you for most situations on the River Irwell.
I have included an extra float as a thank you from the SFA as a token of our appreciation. 
This will be finished next week.

Many thanks Ian for all your efforts over the years Ian.

All the best,



A new twist on the
Inverted Porcupine Quill.

This one has a no eye, a loaded base which has been left intentionally, slightly rough and will mainly be used for whip fishing targeting gudgeon or bleak.

Used in conjunction with a float adapter this float is designed to take a bit of punishment from the stress of speed fishing for bits.

I hope you like


Recently finished .....
A pair of .......
Balsa, In-line, Glow In The Dark, Reversible, Pike sliders....few....that was a mouth full !!!!!
The yellow is glow in the dark, the red is day glow fluorescent.


Below are a pair of large porcupine quills recently finished.

One in fluorescent orange and the other in fluorescent yellow, both floats are intended for tench fishing in spring at close to medium range, although, they are equally at home being used as a general waggler style float for most species.


Below is wooden float tube turned from one piece of wood.

Fixed with brass clasps and a brass I.D. disc with a serial number on for identification, 

with black & gold whippings, finished with a pair of guniea foul feathers.


The first floats of 2021.

Five inserted wagglers with fluorescent orange and yellow tips.

Threads used were black, 

gold, violet, red, green, pale blue using brass eyes and made of sarkanda reed.

Made a couple more free styling.
Here are the other two floats.


  1. Hello, i have just stumbled on this site while searching float making. Do you sell them on ebay or somewhere else? cheers.

  2. Your craftsmanship is truly impressive! The range of handcrafted floats and fishing equipment you've shared here is a testament to your skill and dedication to the art of float making. The variety of designs, colors, and finishes showcase not only your technical proficiency but also your artistic flair. It's evident that you put a lot of thought and care into each piece, ensuring they serve their purpose effectively while also being visually appealing. The detailed descriptions provide valuable insights into the thought process behind each creation. I'm particularly intrigued by the innovative twists you've added to some classic designs, like the Inverted Porcupine Quill with a loaded base for whip fishing. Keep up the fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing more of your fishing adventures and handcrafted creations! 🎣✨

  3. What a crafts man, where can I purchase some of these beauties thanks.


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HAND CRAFTED FLOATS 2014 - 2016 - Float making By The Peanut.