First Hard Wood Stem To Come Off The Lathe. 😊

It doesn't look much but this is something I have wanted to do since I was a child. It took me over 30 mins to turn it. I must get some proper Its a hardwood stem for a stick , avon or bobber float. Not sure what I am gonna make yet. Its not Lignum . . . . . . . (I do have one piece to play with when I feel proficient enough to attempt it) Its Green Hart. Specific Gravity approximately 1.01 Not as dense as lignum but great to start on. The tapper at the top needs deepening and i will complete it tomorrow otherwise I am happy with my first attempt. Has anyone else made hardwood stems before ? What do you all think ? 😊 Until the next time.......... TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page. Join Salford Friend...