Hand Made Wagglers and Sliders - Float Making Part 1.

Hand Made Wagglers and Sliders. Well fellas, The Mrs is non to happy with me to say the least. I have been a bad lad on the beer front and am in the doghouse for the foreseeable future !!!!!! On a brighter note I have been a busy little peanut trying to make up some large wagglers / sliders from scratch. Its not as easy as it sounds but i think I may have found some decent media to make them with. My first attempts are for Sliders / Jumbo Wagglers for Salford Quays & the River Mersey. Jesus 38 cms long..........suppose I could always spear them..........LOL Currently using stainless steel wire wrapped around like a figure 8. A beaded snap swivel will be add to that for the finished product. Next I will try stepped and then bodied wagglers. I will keep you all informed......I haven't even tested if they float yet........May be I should have tested that first .....pmsl. I really enjoyed making these floats. I haven't done...