River Irk Rainbows.

As we set off to out on our grayling hunt Adam said . . . . quite matter of fact. . . . . " Do you fancy grabbing your rainbow trout and River Irk pb in one hit before we go searching for the ladies ? I can guarantee you a two pounder at the very least. !!!!!!!!! " Lets do it " I said. " Its took us long enough to get a fishing session together " Lol. Ten minutes later we were stealthily, crawling though the undergrowth looking for some local trout action. As Adam had declared it did not take long. He spotted a good fish straight away and with a couple of well aimed casts put the bunch of maggots right past its nose . . . . . . and the bait was readily ignored on every occasion !!!!!!!! " Cootesie, pass us a worm mate " came a whisper deep inside the undergrowth " I quickly did his bidding and after few more trots down and we were still without a bite. On the last couple of casts I noticed Adam jig the worm o...