Oval & Inveted Tear Drop Fluted Avons.

Hi all, This is my second attempt at a fluted float. This is a large float, simple in decor, built for certain sections of the River Wye, which I have yet to have the pleasure of fishing but if its anything like the Severn it should serve well for fishing with larger, heavier baits like meat, large pellet & paste. I have added an aluminium stem to the larger float pattern for stability as it will be used in the faster stretches of the river targeting barbel and chub. The floats weight capacity is approximately 8g or 5 swan in old money. All the raw materials are from my standard floatmaking stock it is the flutting that make these floats different. The smaller oval avons are much lighter taking 3-4g and made for my roach and chub fishing. All have alloy stems for better stability. Two are for larger bait and have a wide diameter red/pink tip. The other float has a finer tip for maggot and caster fishing. I will, hopefully, test these by the end of the month on the River Ribble...