Winter Sunshine Ladies and A Bar Of Gold

Today saw me on another river session fishing a little shallow river trying out my new " Irwell Stick Floats " once again. Donning my old leaky waders ( I must get some new ones soon ) I waded down the river, without falling in this time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Knowing the river a little better I was fishing within a minute and hooked into my first grayling within 5. She was a belting fish to nudging the 2lb mark at a guess. After nursing back to full fitness, which did take a while. I had another trot down the same run and guess what !!!!!! the float buried again half way down and " Whollop " I was into another. 😁😁😁😁😁😁 I played her a littler harder than the last so she was fitter when returned. Not one of my better picture but she was a lovely lady a little bigger than the first. She looked cool on the release though. 😁 After the second fish the swim died but the run was FULL of fish taking n...