Raffle Prize - SFA - Inserted Wagglers

I try to make a few floats every Christmas for my fishing club " Salford Friendly Anglers " This years offering is a pair of " Sarkanda Reed Inserted Wagglers " I would have made a few more but time has been tight this year due to my hospital visit, being Best Man at a wedding in Cyprus and of course work but at least I have a pair ready for the Christmas raffle. If you would like to buy some raffle tickets to win some handcrafted floats made by myself they are only available at the venue which is " The Star Inn " 2 Back Hope Street, Salford M7-2FR On Wednesday 19th December. The Christmas meeting starts at 19.30 - 19.45. Its a good night out which I look forward to every year. I will be there with " Salford Pete " and " The Casterman " is bringing down the Bury Crew down to " The Big Smoke " . . . . .lol. I would also like to take this opportunity ...