JAYSS and Tinca Sticks - Love at first Bite !!!!!!!!!!

I have met lots of friendly blokes and good fishermen at Salford Friendly Anglers meetings in the past. One of these fine anglers being John or JAYS as he is known on facebook. On Tuesday I received a message from John asking if I had finished a batch of floats. I have been making for him. " The Tinca Sticks and Irwell Sticks are done pal but the pike and perch floats still need sorting “ I replied. “ GREAT . I am desperate for the Tinca Sticks as my tench season is well underway. Can we meet up soon “ ? John lives in Stockport, I live in Whitefield so we arranged to meet about half way in Chadderton at a pub called The Boat & Horses right on the Rochdale Canal , an SFA stretch. I landed at the allotted time,16.15, and text John of my arrival. I was rummaging around in my boot looking for some floats when I heard a voice I have not heard for well over two months “ Hellow Mike “........ It was John. I hadn’t seen him in ages. We...