A New Page Of Floats For You All To Look At. 😊 Previous Float Page Link http://purplepeanut007.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/hand-crafted-floats-float-making-by.html?m=1 Stick floats in metallic blue with a feather inlay Inverted segmented porcupine quills Inverted porcupine quills Body up sight bob wagglers Straight sarkanda wagglers Inserted and straight sarkanda wagglers A glow in the dark porcupine quill I could not get a good shot of the inverted glow in the dark porcupine quill but here are some of the standard porcy pics Sarkanda reed inserted & straight wagglers. Glow in the dark porcupine quills. Two balsa stained river & still water straight wagglers. As promised s another pair of inserted wagglers with a new main body of thread, green is not my favourite colour but it seems tho work on this pair. 😄 Two more Inserted wagglers with black, violet, burgundy and gold whipping 😁 Just made this " Chunky Straight Waggler ...