River Wye Day one 30.06.24

Morning all, I have not been up to much this last month due to illness but thankfully I was ok to travel when it came to a River Wye trip organised at the begining of the year. Ross-On-Wye in Herefordshire was our destination for three nights, fishing stick & pin for chub and barbel with a pal of mine John Derbyshire. DAY 1. Travelling in Johns van the trip down to Herefordshire was smooth & went by the numbers. We arived around 11.30, checked in our digs, gabbed a bacon butty and went to reccy the nearest stretch of river. The river was spot on carrying a little colour, with a lovely large gravel bed, perfect for trotting. Tackle wise I opted for a 14ft Harrison SU. a Bob James pin & 6lb line. Bait wise we feed pellet, meat and fished meat on a size 6 hook. Float wise I chose a Heavy Wooden Stem Irwell Stick due to the fact that the river is shallow, approximatly 3ft and pushing through a bit. The large dome on the float also gives you flexibility of bait size when us...