Inverted Alloy Stem Avons, Blue & Stained, 50:50 with fine tips.

Afternoon All, I have thrown myself back into float making after a few weeks off and have just completed multiple sets of . . . . . . "Alloy Stem Avons, Blue & Stained, 50:50 with fine tips". I have made these with balsa, hardwood and alloy for the stems. Made in three different sizes: 5BB - 1.6g. 3AAA - 2.4g, 5AAA - 4.0g. The two larger patterns should cover most of my roach fishing on slower, deeper rivers. The smaller one is around 5BB so will be a general float for lots of river situations. TTFN . . . . Peanut. If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page. Join Salford Friendly Anglers for free and help us fight pollution.