A Balsa For " Boyneie "

I have had time to play on my lathe again and this is the first offering. My second small Balsa ( This one is for Andrew Boyne ) finished with black, purple and golden whippings. Egg shell blue, white and glow in the dark yellow are the paints. It also has a treble feather inlay of jay and jungle cock feathers. Finished off with a hand turned brass eye. Lets hope it will be accompanied with some nice Northern Barbel Mr Boyne 😉 Until the next time . . . . . TTFN Peanut If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊 http://purplepeanut007.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-2017.html?m=1 Join our club........ Its fee !!!!!! http://salfordfriendlyanglers.co.uk/join/