Pb Smashed - Creature Reacher Well & Truely Christand

The Summer Solstice Thursday 21st June, the hottest day ever recorded in Great Britain, 38°C and I had chosen this day to meet up with the ..... “ Casterman and seriously try for a big River Irwell Bream on . . . .” “ The Creature Reacher “ I wasn't that confidant let me tell you !!!!!!!!!!! We had arranged to meet at the pegs as Casterman finished work earlier than I. He was bringing one of his pals along, “ Pete The Fireman “ who had never fished the Lower Irwell before and was also looking forward, hopefully, to a nice, big, lump. The two friends where already fishing when I rocked up. “ How do Derek, you had out yet pal “ “ Noooor maaate. I haven't been in long Mike “ came the deep Lancastrian reply. I was set up and fishing within fifteen minutes. Creature Reacher, pin & a heavy, alloy stemed, inserted stick float were the tools for my first plan of attack. Four small balls of feed and a constant trickle of hemp. I have 6lb Drennan Floa...