Pb Smashed - Creature Reacher Well & Truely Christand
The Summer Solstice Thursday 21st June, the hottest day ever recorded in Great Britain, 38°C and I had chosen this day to meet up with the .....
“ Casterman and seriously try for a big River Irwell Bream on . . . .”
“ The Creature Reacher “
I wasn't that confidant let me tell you !!!!!!!!!!!
We had arranged to meet at the pegs as Casterman finished work earlier than I. He was bringing one of his pals along,
“ Pete The Fireman “
who had never fished the Lower Irwell before and was also looking forward, hopefully, to a nice, big, lump.
The two friends where already fishing when I rocked up.
“ How do Derek, you had out yet pal “
“ Noooor maaate. I haven't been in long Mike “
came the deep Lancastrian reply.
I was set up and fishing within fifteen minutes.
Creature Reacher, pin & a heavy, alloy stemed, inserted stick float were the tools for my first plan of attack. Four small balls of feed and a constant trickle of hemp. I have 6lb Drennan Float Fish line loaded on my pin. Over the years I have found it better to fish on the heavy side.
The Irwell can throw up some real monsters !!!!!!!
Just then I heard a splash, then a chuckle, then I saw a massive, Cheshire Cat Like grin !!!!!!!
I checked out the Castermans Acolyte, it was hoop over under the strain of a
Lower Irwell Lump !!!!!!
Casterman had it in the net after about five minutes and lifted it up to show me his prize !!!!
An Irwell bream, black as night around the 5 lb mark. This was the target fish for this session and Casterman had bagged one within half an hour !!!!!
BUGGER !!!!!!!!!
I muttered......
I was behind before I even started . . .
" Nice one Casterman. Lets hope I can get one on my new rod " I shouted.
I had a few exploratory trots down with the new float and found my peg to be quite shallow......for about 8 meters then dropped off into a deep hole. Just the job I thought !!!!
I was constantly trickling hemp in while
Casterman was showing off and I was hopefully of a bite first trot down........
Not this time......😔
I batted the pin to retrieve my float , pinched another big piece of flake onto my six 12 eyed hook and was ready to enjoy being back on the river once more.
On my second trot down I eased the float through the shallows and let it slowly drop down into the deeper hole . . . . .
As the float cocked fully it buried !!!!!!!!
I broke the pin with my thumb, struck, the
" Creature Reacher "
hooped over and I started to realise what all the fuss is about regarding the
" Harrison SU blank "
" Creature Reacher "
hooped over and I started to realise what all the fuss is about regarding the
" Harrison SU blank "
Although not noted for their fighting prowess this Irwell bream was fighting well as she turnd on her flank and let the river help her down stream !!!!!
I could feel every little bump and tail slap as the fish made a lunge for freedom. It was a big fish ....... I whistled at Casterman as he squinteted at the huge bend in my rod.
" Are you in there Cootesie "
Yes mate . . . . . and its a good one.
At this point the fish had followed the pressure from the rod upstream and was ploughing around in the shallows at my feet.
I would usually be more carefully at this stage if using finer gauge hooks but I was kitted out for this fish and a few seconds later she was mine.....
I would usually be more carefully at this stage if using finer gauge hooks but I was kitted out for this fish and a few seconds later she was mine.....
I had a look at her........blinked......then had another look as the adrenalin stated to pulse . .
" Jesus . . . .
She's a right lump Derek "
I shouted, still shaking .
" I think I have broken my bream Pb Pal "
( Prevouse bream pb )
( Prevouse bream pb )
Rain doesn't stop play as the Casterman likes to say....lol.....😊
I didn't hear what he said next. I was hurriedly trying to un-hook her and get back into the water. I took a quick picture and place her in the keep net which I also moved so it was in the faster, more oxygenated water.
She seemed fine even in this heat so I hurriedly baited up again hope for a repeat performance........
Of course .......it was not to be. I had been lucky I think and picked one off from the main shoal.
Two hours I doggedly tried for another but nothing !!!!!!!!!
I decided to follow suitand within 10 minutes I had a small 6 oz perch. The first one for about twelve months from the river.
The next pair of fish I had were two decent gudgeon. I had never had an Irwell gudgeon before and was chuffed to say the least.
I wish these grew to 5 lb.....lol
The light was fading know. I altered my depth to try to find the roach Casterman was catching. First trot down at the shallower depth the float bobbed, then buried and I had my first roach of the session.
It was around this time when Casterman shouted to Pete
" Are you in mate "
" Yes Derek. I am pal " came Pete's reply.
Casterman and I stopped fishing and watched Pete play the fish. Pete was a tip man and had sat it out to catch his first Irwell slab.
We gave him a little cheer then enjoyed the last twenty minutes of fishing.
I had about five more roach all 4 - 6 oz and the that was it, no light left. . . .
Casterman and his ever faithful scales came toddling over to weigh my slab.
I lifted her out of the net and popped her into the weighing sling.....
" Whats your Pb Cootesie " whispered the Casterman.
" 6lb 11oz " I replied.
He smiled and said . . . .
" I think you're right pal. She looks 7 lb ish to me "
The scales whipped around but I couldn't see in the low light and Castermans head torch was blinding me . .
" What is she going pal "
" I give you 7 lb 1 oz for her Cootesie "
and bloody well done mate " he said grinning.
I was buzzing . . . . . .
Casterman then weighed Pete's bream which was even bigger than mine at 7 lb 5 oz.
What a session !!!!!!!!!!!!
We packed up quick and had a recap on the top bank.
We all agreed the fish were not really having it due to the exceptionally hot weather and we did well to catch one each.
We chatted for a while and promises where made to meet up again and try for some more...
" Irwell Black Gold......"
It was great to be back on the Irwell with friends new and old.
Long my the bromance continue Casterman.....lmao.
Ps : went in the same peg a few days later and.......BLANKED.....lol
The next pair of fish I had were two decent gudgeon. I had never had an Irwell gudgeon before and was chuffed to say the least.
I wish these grew to 5 lb.....lol
The light was fading know. I altered my depth to try to find the roach Casterman was catching. First trot down at the shallower depth the float bobbed, then buried and I had my first roach of the session.
It was around this time when Casterman shouted to Pete
" Are you in mate "
" Yes Derek. I am pal " came Pete's reply.
Casterman and I stopped fishing and watched Pete play the fish. Pete was a tip man and had sat it out to catch his first Irwell slab.
We gave him a little cheer then enjoyed the last twenty minutes of fishing.
I had about five more roach all 4 - 6 oz and the that was it, no light left. . . .
Casterman and his ever faithful scales came toddling over to weigh my slab.
I lifted her out of the net and popped her into the weighing sling.....
" Whats your Pb Cootesie " whispered the Casterman.
" 6lb 11oz " I replied.
He smiled and said . . . .
" I think you're right pal. She looks 7 lb ish to me "
The scales whipped around but I couldn't see in the low light and Castermans head torch was blinding me . .
" What is she going pal "
" I give you 7 lb 1 oz for her Cootesie "
and bloody well done mate " he said grinning.
I was buzzing . . . . . .
Casterman then weighed Pete's bream which was even bigger than mine at 7 lb 5 oz.
What a session !!!!!!!!!!!!
We packed up quick and had a recap on the top bank.
We all agreed the fish were not really having it due to the exceptionally hot weather and we did well to catch one each.
We chatted for a while and promises where made to meet up again and try for some more...
" Irwell Black Gold......"
It was great to be back on the Irwell with friends new and old.
Long my the bromance continue Casterman.....lmao.
Ps : went in the same peg a few days later and.......BLANKED.....lol
Until the next time.
If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊
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