Tailor Made Canal Pike Float For A Young Maestro !!!!!! PART TWO

The second float made for Kayden McCarthy is a very small sliding pike float. Made from carbon and cork this float only takes 3.5 g and is designed to cause as little disturbance as possible when cast into the swim. ( I know because he told me. I am no piker ....lol ). It has is name on it and is finished in black, red, gold and violet whipping plus a small jay feather. ( couldn't resist it ) He now has the floats he needs to tackle the Irwell for big river carp and big pike from the central Manchester canal systems. Both floats. Kaydan will be getting the pike float wet this weekend. Lets hope he can bag a croc for the blog. 😁 Photos to follow. I have every confidence in the young man. 😉 Kayden has just sent me a picture. He is all set up ready to rock and roll......lol 😁 TTFN Peanut. If you would like to look at my handcrafted click on the link below. https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/...