Floats For Charity Auction

I have donated four " Tinca Sticks " to the " Breaking The Surface Forum " For the " Jack Storey Fundraiser " They have been made in different lengths and finished with orange tips and yellow bands. The auction for these is on the 20th of May at The Crofters Pub, 103 Bradshaw Rd, Bolton Bl2 3EW It is not an internet auction, you have to be there in person to bid. There are MANY prizes up for grabs so get down there and get bidding. You may even pick up a bargin. 😊 By Craig Rostron I`m organsizing a fundrasier for local lad Jack Storey,on Sat May 20th to be held on Bradshaw Hall fishery,Bolton.There are 30 anglers taking part who are trying to rasie much needed funds for Jack,and more importantly equipment he needs.If you could spare a few quid for the cause,it would be very very much apprciated!! PLEASE could you take a couple of mins to read what the fundrasiers for,and if you also have time wat...