Tinca Stick MKII Test & The Maiden Voyage of A Merlin Mordex Centerpin.

Got a pass for Sunday so, a quick word with my old man and we settled for fishing " The Cut " which is an Unsworth Anglers club water - He was following me up later as he had a few to many pints of Joseph Holts mild the previous night and felt a bit rough......the poor lamb.....LOL. I reached my peg in good time and luckily for me the rain gods kept their distance. I set up my Conni X and fited my "Merlin Mordex Centerpin real ".This was its maiden voyage as well and I was looking forward to having a play with it as well as assessing the new " Tinca Stick " Now, bait for the session was 6mm pellets - de-frosted - and chopped meat & a little hemp to hold the fish in the swim......I also had some skanky maggots that had been in the fridge for about two weeks and most of them were casters but Salford Pete was on a maggot run and would be here shortly with fresh bait. The MK II Tinca Stick took 4BB plus to cock it, which is ...