Unsworth Anglers - Silver Fishing On The Pole.

Pole Rig Spring Clean - An Intimate Reunion - Unsworth Anglers.

Had a few days holiday to take before the end of April so I thought I would have a drop on my new / old club waters Unsworth Anglers. I had been a member of this club for over 20 years back in the day and it has just been re- stocked with f1's and tench on one of the ponds.

I hand a 2.5 hour window to fish so I opted to fish the tiny pond called Carvansons, named after the fragrance factory it sits behind.

(Funny, in my capacity as an Aerosol Development Technologist I recieve samples from this company on a regular basis - small world ay )

 This was a favourate destination when I was a wee niper. Salford Pete would announce that we would be going fishing in the morning - usually a Sunday - and I would litrally be awake all night with excitment. A good day in those days was 5 fish a piece, usually perch roach and gudgeon in that order. If you were lucky and I mean really luck you would catch a Crucian Carp but these we a fabled foe at the time and were rarley seen let alone caught..........Lol.

Carvansons is an old mill pond  and as I said is very small. It is probably abiut 30 by 20 meters and is aboht 4 feet deep at the deepest - if my memory is not addled....... 

A great teaching pool for dads and lads 

and a credit to the club. Eagle said there are good roach and crucians in there and the odd lump. Just what I wanted for a trip down memory lane.

I got there around 17.30 and plonked my gear down on peg 1. I opted for a very light 4 x 10 rig,1.7lb bottom and 4's elastic as I was mainly after the roach. Bread punch was my favoured first line of attack due to the dammed frost but I had a feeling there could be fireworks if any stamp fish came out to play.

Peg one is also known as " The Safe Peg " due to a great big bloody safe being dumped some time in the log and distant past.There must have been some skulldugery going on ,so, if anyone knows the story behind the safe dumping please wite a comment at the bottom as I don't know the full story.

I fed three swims 12 metres straight out was a liquidised bread and hemp line, 5 metres at 14.00 was pinkies and liquidised bread and down the side was a corn line.

It was still blowing a hooly but because of the sheltered position I was able to control my rig in the wind with ease. It took a while for the first fish to show, a good roach on puched bread. A few more fish followed but they were not having the punch in earnest so I switched to pinkie. A few more fish came to the net including a clonking roach abot 10oz which made me smile........Eagle was right in his discription of the fish stocks.

Bites started to dry up then so I increased my depth, laid on about 4 inches, switched from a 22's to an 18's hook hook and put 4 pinkies on white, red and flourescent mix. The change in approch paid dividends and a suprise skimmer bream gave up the ghost and slid into my waiting landing net without much of a kerfuffle  .......  then another, then another & again....
Now, there weren't any bream in this mill pond 30 years ago so things have obviously changed some what......not compaining though...............

I must have  had 9 or 10 shimmers about 8 oz each one after the other on a bunch of mixed pinkies......great fishing in these conditions.

It was getting late now......" The Witching Hour " . I dropped back in the pinkie and bread peg that I had been resting , hopefully to bag a late carp or tench - not a touch down the side on the corn peg -. With no other indications my 4 no 10 float dived under and with a crisp strike from right to left I conected with a good fish. The no 4's elastic started going and a smiled to my self - This little pond can still give up some suprises........To my astonishment the fish that had dragged me around the lake was an 8 oz perch , lovely fish but i was a littile disappointed with its size......I thought it was a tench.......fought like a worrier....awesome little battler......

I was going to have a famouse " Last Cast " but I BOSHED my rig up and called it a day.

A lovely couple of hours spent on my old teenage stomping ground. Plenty of fish caught - I recon I had around 8.lb - and plenty of memorys came flooding back of hours spent  here with my dad in the late 70's & 80's. I can still see mi little perch bobber doin a merry dance while suspended over a shoal of flashing gudgeon.
Not to mention the cold thermos coffee,
Cheese butties
Some of mi mams dodgy home made cake......


......sorry mum.......

I'm gonna get "Salford Pete" back on here when it warms up he would love fishing on here now.....so would you Casterman.....even if it is a little shallow.


If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page.




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