A Silver Doller Race Peanut Vs The Casterman

Morning All, I have been itching to try my New/Old Drennan DRX so Casterman threw down an another silver doller race challange which I readily excepted. We both decided on re-visiting the same river we had our first roach match on where I was well beaten. Link below. https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/10/peanut-vs-casterman-silver-dolla-race.html Our target species was obviously wild roach but on this new stretch there was a chance of a few lumps so geared up accordingly. Initially we both opted to fish the bollo/avon....but, after a frustrating hour with the wind tearing up the river I switched to 4AAA Slate Grey Antennae Waggler with instant results !!!!!! Derek was not far behind me with the float change but he opted for the sliding waggler. 1.5 hrs into the session we started putting together a few fish....stamp roach to be exact...derek could not keep the smile of his face.....he's roach mad....lol. As it is a new stetch to us a little experimenting was in order. Derek...