NEW Glow In The Dark Swing Tip.

While having a brew in Elton Tackle I was asked by Craig Lutener if I could make him a swing tip, not an old fashioned one but one made of carbon. He requested that the indication band be built up wider than the carbon to aid visibility. He stipulated that the bands MUST glow in the dark as he will be fishing in low light, mornings and nights. One last request was to and I quote . . . . . " And put some of your fancy whippings on it to Cootesie " Lol !!!!!!!! So, armed with all the information I proceed to have a play around with designs and and eventually came up with a design I was happy with. I decided on a dual banded design with glow in the dark yellow paint, gold and purple whipping separating the two yellow sight bands and purple whipping up the main body of the tip. We are going to try it out in the next couple of weeks and hopefully a small blog will be forth coming. I am pleased with my first effort and cant wait to try it ...