New, Flared, Hardwood Stemmed Stick Floats

Hi all. For a while now I have wanted to make some..... "Flared Hardwood Stemmed Stick Floats" similar to the lignum stemmed sticks I used in my youth on the River Severn at Hampton Loade. The shorter stem float is a Stepped, Irwel Stick for shallow spate rivers. The longer stem float is a Standard Stepped, Stick for general use. Both these floats are finished with black and burgundy whippings, with a battleship grey body, fluorescent orange tip and of course the hardwood stems which give these foats there balance. I have to admit I am excited about using one of these floats especially the sorter Irwell Stick and will be putting them through there paces in the coming weeks on some northern rivers including the Ribble, Irwell, Calder etc. (May be some Yorkshire Rivers to.😉) PS: Acquiring the right sized hardwood has proved to be a bit of a challenge to be honest so if anyone can help please pm me. TTFN Peanut....