New Shallow Water Stick Testing Session Plus An Irwell Grayling

Got a call this weekend from John Derbyshire asking to fish a certain stretch of the River Irwell. We arrived on the river at 09.00 I set up the new "Shallow Water Loaded Stick Float " and my Acolyte Plus. ( New section aquired). 🙄 The run was only two and a half foot deep so ideal for these floats which are almost fully loaded. The Ginger Assassin was on the next peg up with a MK I Irwell stick. (You have that some years pal) so at least we could take the piss out of each other if we The previous night I had been grayling hunting (pics below) on a stretch higher up river so I had a rig nearly ready. The liquidised bread went in first followed by some seed. Maggots and seed would the be dripped in constantly with the odd ball of bread to top up the swim when it died a little. Basically I caught from start to finish. 09.00 - 14.00. Plenty long enough for me as I am not getting any younger. All caught on a centerpin and stick float set up. https://...