Float Making 2 - Inserted Wagglers.

Float Making 2 The picture below is of the first inserted waggler I have ever made. It is a Christmas present for "Roachman" ....... AKA Phil Clayton. "Bloody Hell"........... I dropped it on the way to my car and chipped it. Lesson learnt. Do not transport newly made floats until they are fully hardend. I will have to do a touch up jod for the Roachman!!!!!!!!!! The photos don't do the float justice. I am over the moon with how they have turnd. Neilpeel has shown me the way regarding the eye issue on the base of the float (cheers pal) they will look better than their shop bought brothers and hopfully last a LOT LONGER....WELL HAPPY . Had to perform a small surgery on Phils float today. I ran out of sexy pink pal you will have to make do with fluorescent orange.... My first straight waggler using glow in the dark (GITD) yellow - looks the part. The colur cmbination of the above looks the ...