Pearlescent Feather Inlays

" Salford Pete " has just treated himself to a new camera. It is a Cannon EOS 1200D So, of course, we straight in there taking pictures of Pearlescent I am trying to get across how the appear in direct sunlight. The pearlescent particles really jump out at you. I will periodically be adding photos to this page to , hopefully show you all cose ups of Pearlescent Inlays. A JAY FEATHER WITH A COBALT PEARLESCENT. 😊 Not a feathered pearlescrnt but the body of the Barbel Stick Floats has the pearlescent instead. I was worried it may look a little blingy but it is quite subtle. I like it. 😉 This is a Fully loaded Pellet Waggler with a Perlescent Blue effect. I took this with my phone camera. Can yoy dee a difference in picture quality ?