Manchester Perch Hunt PART 1 - A New Bobber.

It has been decades since I have been on a proper perch hunt and since I have been making a lot of bobbers lately I thought I would have a bash once more. 😊 I have also been concentrating on the simple things with regards to my float making such as tidying up my lines. There is always room for improvement and that has been my mission for some time now. The float below made me smile whilst making it. Everything went to plan for a change. No sidewinders or surprises. It went like clock work from start to finish. Wish they could all be like that. . . . Lol 🤣 " It is just another of your large bobbers " . . . . I here you say........which is true but it is probably the sharpest and neatest bobber I have made. Hopefully you will see what I mean when you observe the close up photographs. This will be the live bait float on the perch hunt. Luckily a friend of mine Neil Johnson has offered to take me out perching when I am fit and well again...