Fluorescent Red Mini - Porcupine Quill Bobber .

I love the look of these porcupine stemmed bobbers. 
This is the second one I have made now and have really enjoyed making it.
I can imagine my grandad using one of these on the River Eden bait fishing for trout where allowed.
This traditional style bobber has a balsa body, a porcupine quill stem and a brass eye.
The threads are black and violet and the paints are plain white and fluorescent pink / red.

At home on the river trotting for grayling or in a lake for perch. 
These floats are quite versatile and can be used to fish for a number of species.
Margin fishing for carp is another popular use.
I have a trip soon on which I am targeting grayling, a fish that has eluded me all these years. 
Hopefully this float will be fully dry so I can get a traditional fish and float picture. If not.......... I have my childhood bobber on stand by. 
Lets hope the weather holds out Jordan.

Until the next time. . . . . 



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

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