Retro Procupine Quills For Summer Tenching

I have been meaning to make some of these floats for a VERY long time.

The Porcupine Quill is another pattern that reminds me very much of those long summer days spent a the local lodge with your mates bread fishing for tench and Crucian Carp.
I used to use them on the ICI pond to catch tench to 3 lb and Crucian Carp to 1.5 lb on Carvansons lodge in the early 1980's both of which are still on the
Unsworth Anglers card.
The pair below are replicas of floats passed down to me from my dad who had them handed down to him from my grandad.
I believe my grandad may have made them himself, or, had them made for him as I have never seen their like before or since.
I remember

" Borrowing "
these from my dads float wallet many times  although he did not know it at the time......
I was not allowed to use them in my youth and quite rightly so incase I lost one. To use them I had to sneak them into my wicker basket the night before I went fishing.
 If my dad never new. . . . 
He does now
I have tried my best to make this pair of quills as old looking as possible, hence the colour schemes of 
pastel red , yellow plus an off white / cream. 
I hope I have accomplished this ?
This pair take 2 BB approximately and will be used by my dad as they are a present for him for all the hard work he has put in over the last three years helping me with my float making.
I will be making him a small float box to accompany these and his other floats.
A separate blog will be posted when the box is ready.

I hope
 " Salford Pete "  
will catch a couple of these on his new quills when the spring arrives.
John Derbyshire.
 I have some more quills ordered so I can make a few more of these in slightly different colours for myself and a few friends.
 Both myself and my dad can not remember the last time we caught anything on a quill float.
Probably a gudgeon in the early 1980's on Unsworth.

Here is a good picture of my old man looking the part on Christmas Eve.
We are both looking forward to catching on quills again and we may even pay  
" The Old River Irlam "
" Drinkies "
 a visit and catch a few tench from an
S.F.A. water.

I can see the morning mist slowly rising off the lake, the tiny, tell tail, pin prick bubbles slowly heading to my float as it settles next to the emerging lilly pads as I write this little piece.
Picture of a " Tinca Stick " in action
courtesy of JAY SS.


Until the next time. . . . . 



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

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