Salford Friendly Anglers Cristmas Party

Salford Friendly Anglers Cristmas Party. I did a bit of smoozing with the Mrs after my little drunken escapade at Eric Owens ManCave and attended the Salford Friendly Anglers Christmas Doo last night at The Kings Arms,Salford. Casterman very kindly volunteered to drive and we arrived in good time. The pub has a very famous owner apparantly......Paul Heaton / House Martins / Beautifull South. Although "Happy Hour" is the only song we would wish to here in his establishment.......pmsl Heineken Export was my ruin for the night. A very agreeable tipple but at £3.90 a pint I wasn't going home rolling drunk.....good job 😉 After some club business regarding possible new venue aquisitons, rivers and canals, it was full steam ahead into the fishing quiz. The Gathering. Not a free seat in the House........ Phil Clayton "Roachman" S.F.A. secutary was quiz master for the night. He is an absolute ...