Baby Chubbers

The first chubber I made was a bit of a beast taking 7 swan shot  . . . . . .

so I thought I would make a couple of pairs for general and light fishing.
Below is the smallest of the new chubbers.
This pair does not have any coloured paint on the body apart from the white and Pink / yellow fluorescent on the tips. 
All the rest of the floats colour is produced by thread which are . . .
Violet & Blue.

These are without doubt the hardest floats I have ever made and took ALL my patience to complete them.
It is not so much the difficulty but the size of this build that gave me multiple issues.
I have very small hands and fingers and still struggled. 
I have added a 5 pence piece to the picture to give you some kind of scale regarding the size of the floats.
These will be useful bit if kit on a lot of rivers I fish and also for up in the water fishing for carp, rudd, ide, orf etc on still waters.
Many people disregard the shallow runs on rivers......DON'T. . !!!!!
they can be very productive if fished correctly and these go like rockets in the shallows !!!!
Hopefully I will have a few of these nice Ribble barbel on the baby chubbers soon.

Made in the same style as the original large chubber the two medium chubbers below take approximately three swan shot, great for most river fishing.
Finished in metallic pearlescent blue, a white shoulder and a fluorescent pink / yellow tips.
I like these a lot but its the beast and the baby chubbers I personally will get the most use out of.
The growing family.
Until the next time.



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

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