New Chubber Float In Metallic Pearlescent Blue.

I have been meaning to up date my chubber floats for quite some time now. 
My first pattern was a more traditional looking float made from natural sourced materials and hand carved.
My new effort is made from balsa, birch and is hand turned on my lathe. 
( A tool I am still very much a beginner on ).
Finished in metallic pearlescent blue, a white shoulder and a fluorescent red/ pink tip.
The whippings on this particular float are gold, black, blue and violet.
A shoulder has been incorporated into thus pattern to give it a little more sensitivity as well as looking aesthetically pleasing. 
Taking approximately 7 SSG ( 11.2 g ) and is 145mm by 16mm at its widest point. This float is at home on the faster shallow runs of the Rivers Irwell and Ribble fishing worm, bread, meat, pellet and paste.
I am looking forward to producing a nice
" Fish & Float "
picture in the near future as I really like the look of the new pattern and  can see it having a permanent place in my kit in the future
Until the next time.



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

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