Floats For Charity Auction

I have donated four

 " Tinca Sticks " to the " Breaking The Surface Forum " 

For the

 " Jack Storey Fundraiser "

They have been made in different lengths and finished with orange tips and yellow bands.

The auction for these is on the 20th of May at

The Crofters Pub,
103 Bradshaw Rd, 
Bl2 3EW

It is not an internet auction, you have to be there in person to bid.

There are MANY prizes up for grabs so get down there and get bidding.
 You may even pick up a bargin. 😊

By Craig Rostron 

I`m organsizing a fundrasier for local lad Jack Storey,on Sat May 20th to be held on Bradshaw Hall fishery,Bolton.There are 30 anglers taking part who are trying to rasie much needed funds for Jack,and more importantly equipment he needs.If you could spare a few quid for the cause,it would be very very much apprciated!! PLEASE could you take a couple of mins to read what the fundrasiers for,and if you also have time watch the small vid we have put together. Many Thanks......                                                                                 
Jack Storey's story,

Jack is 4 years old, he has just started school at Greenfold in Farnworth which specialise in children with disabilities. Jack was a little bit impatient and wanted to make his grand entrance into the world a little earlier, and was born 10 weeks premature. He spent five and half weeks in neonatal intensive care,where we were told by a Doctor that she had little hope for Jack,but he was a little fighter from the start, so we knew we would have a determined little boy. 

 Following discharge from hospital, life has been pretty chaotic for Jack, he regularly has different professionals visiting him and is currently under 11 professionals and two different hospitals, so he does have quite a full diary. All the professionals who have been involves with Jack since discharge all knew Jack was determined, and along with us and encouraged Jack to achieve. 

Although at 4 years old, he is unable to walk, unable to talk,spends all his time in some sort of supportive equipment whether it be his wheelchair or supported indoor chair, and needs full assistance with all daily activites, he is one of the most happiest little boys you will meet, everybody says how charming he is and how his smile makes the room light up. Jack has had to have extensive hip surgery as his hip was out by 90% due to the painful leg spasms he was having on a daily basis, and we hope that now he has recovered from this, that with the help of a supportive walking frame that Jack will be able to experience walking. 

As both me and James (Jack's dad) work we are unable to get funding/grants to help cover costs of equipment that is not provided by the NHS. We have recently raised just over £1100 for one carseat!! We now need to raise over £1400 for a supportive walking frame for Jack, and we hope in time to raise approx £2000 for a disabled trike for Jack, that has all the support required for him to ride the trike but also has parental control so we can ensure his safety. We would love nothing more than be able to take Jack round the park in a bike than having to push him in a wheelchair. Aswell as all this we are also saving for horseriding lessons for next year, as this really helps improve the core strength, and to take him to Brainwave in Warrington that do specialist physio work with children with disabilities.

May we take this opportunity to give you the hugest thank you in wanting to help us achieve this for our son.
 Donations can be made via the just giving page.

Until the next time . . . . .



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊


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