Winter Sunshine Ladies and A Bar Of Gold

Today saw me on another river session fishing a  little shallow river trying out my new
" Irwell Stick Floats "
once again.
Donning my old leaky waders
( I must get some new ones soon )
waded down the river,
without falling in this time.
Knowing the river a little better I was fishing within a minute
and hooked into my first grayling within 5.
She was a belting fish to nudging the 2lb mark at a guess.
After nursing back to full fitness, which did take a while.
I had another trot down the same run and guess what !!!!!!
the float buried again half way down and
" Whollop "
I was into another.
I played her a littler harder than the last so she was fitter when returned.
Not one of my better picture but she was a lovely lady a little bigger than the first.
She looked cool on the release though.
After the second fish the swim died but the run was FULL of fish taking nymphs from the surface.
I spent a further, very frustrating hour to no avail.
I moved on after that hoping for a few more ladies.....
may be even a chub or two.
The next run drew a blank after twenty minutes fishing. 
A little deflated after a cracking start I waded down stream to the run I fancied the most.
I start fishing this run high in the broken, fast water first, moving down the run in segments covering as much water as possible.
Past my knees in water and dripping maggots in, I adjusted my depth and shotting pattern so as the bait was just touching bottom.
After a couple of runs down without bait on the hook to ensure I had my depth correct I was ready to fish.
I say this a lot but it's true........ lol,
first trot down, at the end of the run the float buried and I felt solid resistance.
At first I thought it was a trout as it made a few powerful rattling runs. I really did give a fantastic fight and when I saw it was another grayling I was buzzing.
It fought like a tiger on a light set up in fast water. 
The best ever fight I have had from a lady.
Again I hit another straight away.....
This was turning into a dream session !!!!
I also had over half a dozen trout up to ten ounces but that was it for the higher part of the run.
I missed out the middle section as time was now against me and tried the lower section hoping for a chub.
That would really top off the day !!!!!!!!!!
Thirty minutes had past and I only had one more lady of around a pound to show for my efforts. I was thinking of how well the session had gone when the float bobbed, then buried, the acolyte hooped round and a chub was on.  
I played her as this really would be the icing on the cake. !!!!!!!!
She gave a couple of powerful runs and a tell tail nodding, plodding fight of a chub
Nervously I edged her up stream and into the waiting net.
What a session ! ! ! ! ! 
I guessed her to be approximately 3lb
and shinning like a gold bar in the winter sunlight fins standing to attentiin like a superstar.
Five grayling, four touching 2 lb,
eight trout
and a big chub.
A great short session by any standards.

Proved to myself I can still fish a bit.
The floats worked well too....



 If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.

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