New Barbel Sticks For a Trip Down Memory Lane

I used to love float fishing on the River Severn in Bridgenorth for barbel with my dad in the early 1980's and was lucky enough to be the first name on our school match trophy all those years ago.
This year we and a few friends are planning a trip down memory lane revisiting the stretches of the mighty River Severn where I learnt to fish a float on a river over 30 years ago.
 To commemorate the trip I am making a few new stick floats, hopefully, to catch a few barbel, amongst other species and get some nice pictures for the blog
(Not to mention a bit of banta and a few pints )
This is the first one.
A barbel stick
Taking approximately 4AAA
( Hopefully a little more )
Constructed in balsa and aluminium the body was turned from a single piece to increase strength for the rigours of heavy barbel fishing.
A fluorescent orange tip, red pearlescent body,
Plus a feather inlay
Black gold, violet and scarlet silks completed the build.

I will be desperate to catch a barbel on one of these floats as I really like them.
I am looking forward to hearing the pin screech off an line sing under the pressure of a hefty barbel.



If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.      

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  1. I think float fishing is really a forgotten art where I live. I really enjoy having a good day on the water fishing with floats. Keep up the great work, your details is awesome!

  2. Ooooh, I like the way the colour of the feather blends into the paintwork, Mike.


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