A Star Wars Float - A bit of Fun & A Challange From " Salford Pet "

Both myself and my dad ( Aka Salford Pet ) have both been 

" Star Wars "

fans for many years now.

Ever since watching  

" The Empire Strikes Back "

( The best one of the lot in my opinion )

on holiday in Cornwall in 1980 we have been avid fans and watched all the films.

One morning, while we were setting up my new lathe 

we were talking about the first three films and how they compare to the latter ones when my old man pipes up . . . . . . .

Hay Son . . . . . Here's a challenge for you,

try and make a float with a 

" Star Wars theme "

We both laughed and carried on with the work shop tidy up but an idea had started brewing. 😈.

Later while float fiddling I said to my dad . . . . 
" Were you serious about the Star Wars theme before because I have and idea

" I was kidding but if you have an idea go with the flow and lets see what you can come up with " said my dad.

So last week I had a play with some float shapes, threads and colours and eventually came up with something . . . . . . . 

Its only loosely based on 

" Star Wars "

but you will get the idea when you see it.

Here it is. . . . . . . . 

I have christened it . . . . .a

" Sith Pacemaker "

After the Sith Apprentice
" Darth Maul "
in the Phantom Menace.
( I really liked him and didn't want him to dye ) 😔
To me he is the most striking character in all the films.
The float is finished in 
Black pearleacent Paint
Whippings are
Metallic red
black & purple
The feather has a purple pearlescent.

The Trilogy.........
From left to right . . .
Skywalker, Sith & A Yoda Pacemaker. 😂

I only just realised that the previous two had some Jedi traits !!!!!!!!!
I found this project fun  and it got my mind working.
I may try another themed float if I get the urge

NEW !!!!!!!!!
" Sith "
Alloy, Inserted, Shouldered Stick Float.

Until the next time . . . . .



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊



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