
Showing posts from February, 2017

A Balsa For " Bald Eagle "

" Bald Eagle " A.K.A. John Doran asked me for this float about 12 months ago and I have only just got around to making it.  ( Sorry John ) One of "Eagle" in his famous green suit !!!!!!!!!! LMAO It smells like his infamous "CHEESE PASTE" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Sorry pal. Here is a better picture of the Eagle . . . . . One to keep the ladies happy . . . . . " You know it " 😂 😉😉😉😉😉 His cheese paste is magical though !!!!!!!! A 5lb 2 oz Chub from a so called " Barren" stretch of the River Irwell last week says it is !!!!!!! Top angling my friend. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😋😊😋 He asked for a float similar to a loafer but with an insert.  He wanted it for bouncing about big pieces of meat  in very and lumps of bread, for barbel and chub in very fast, deepish runs on the River Ribble but versatile enough to put bunches of maggots and catch the silvers when present. So I made him this Big Balsa...

A Star Wars Float - A bit of Fun & A Challange From " Salford Pet "

Both myself and my dad ( Aka Salford Pet ) have both been  " Star Wars " fans for many years now. Ever since watching   " The Empire Strikes Back " ( The best one of the lot in my opinion ) on holiday in Cornwall in 1980 we have been avid fans and watched all the films. One morning, while we were setting up my new lathe  we were talking about the first three films and how they compare to the latter ones when my old man pipes up . . . . . . . Hay Son . . . . . Here's a challenge for you, try and make a float with a  " Star Wars theme " We both laughed and carried on with the work shop tidy up but an idea had started brewing. 😈. Later while float fiddling I said to my dad . . . .  " Were you serious about the Star Wars theme before because I have and idea  😊😊😊😊😊😊. " I was kidding but if you have an idea go with the flow and lets see what you can come up with " said my dad...

Pacemaker - First Dunking - Short Session On The River Irwell, Manchester

Having sorted out some things at home earlier in the day and applying some further lacquer coats to various floats I found myself with three hours to kill. I was going to have another crack at grayling on the Goyt but didn't fancy getting caught in rush hour traffic on the M60 on the way home so opted for a  " Smash & Grab Raid " On my local stretch of the Irwell. I nearly didn't go fishing at all but a phone call and a quick roasting off " The Casterman " Saying  . . . .. " Get out there while the weather's good " made me get my kit together and test out one of the best looking floats I have made to so far I got a wiggle on and was there for 15.00. The first peg was one I had fished before. A good fast paced run for testing my new " Pacemaker " I had all ready made up the float rig, so, setting ...

Deep Water Tinca Sticks - A new one to me !!!!!!!!!

Originally... " Tinca Sticks " were designed for shallow water, close quater tenching.  I have made a few " one offs " over the last two years , sightly different " Specials " for certain people. Below are some . . . . . .  " Extra Large Tinca Sticks " Regarding the two " Extra Large "  floats on the right, I have changed the stem material to ensure strength and longevity. These will be paired up with a set of " Extra Large Sneaky Lifters " Made for a certain deep water in the north west of England containing a good head of Crucian Carp & Tench. I hope you will post a report of your first sessions with these floats as I have not tested these myself.  You know who you are Mr X......... !!!!!!! 😉😉😉😉😉. Until the next time . . .  TTFN . . . . If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link. 😊 http://purplepeanut007.blogspo...

New Plans For Summer Trotting

I was not going to blog about this until I saw Andrews picture of the floats I had made for him. I really like the picture he took below so I wrote a quick blog of our meet for you all to read. I hope u like it. 😊 ___________________ Today I had a morning out to visit Andew Boyne  ( Of Boynes Custom Rods ) maker of . . " The Creature Reacher " I had made him a few floats for the Ribble. I had a window so drove the 10 mile trip to his house to drop them off as he had been to mine on many occasions while building the . . . .  " Creature Reacher " He was waiting at the door while I struggled with my float boxes up the garden path. The kettle was on quick sticks and I opened up my box of surprises. I pulled out a small bag and showed Andrew what I had made for him. I wont tell you all exactly what I gave him but I will show you all his complete collection of my floats which is only three quarters finished. Andrew himself took a l...