River Irwell Chub - Hand Crafted Stick Floats Vs Shop Bought - Who Will Win ?


Peanut & The Casterman
Handcrafted Stick Floats Vs Shop Bought.

I didn't know where to go fishing this morning, first it was the River Croal then I decided on the River Tame. Just as I was about to leave home for the Tame I got a call from The Castsrman. " Where are you off to Peanut " he states in a broad bury accent. I told him I wasn't sure and what were his thoughts on the matter . "Any where will be as bad as the next Peanut. We have had some snow on the hills last night so any extra water coming down will be freezing cold, but at least there is some colour in her, that's one saving grace " he replies. We decided on a secret stretch that we fish rarely, you can fit three people on this run so there was more than enough room.

Rigged up and ready to rock and roll........

A great time saver on the bank is to rig up your stick floats  ""Pole Float Style"

I arrived first and had pick of the pegs. I opted for one opposite a large overhanging tree, a little bald in its winter plumage but a definite feature to fish to. I new this was a shallow peg after Casterman fished it the last time we were here, so, I opted for an Irwell Stubby Stick Float - It is a shorter fatter stick float specifically for just this type of run. As I opened my maggot box and my hart sank, Salford Pete said there was a sessions worth of maggots left in the box. All I found was about 50 dead maggots all wet an sticky " Bollocks " I said, what should I do now. Casterman may not have left yet so I quickly fumbled for my phone and got him on the line. With some mirth The Casterman blurts out 

" Yoooou numpty........fancy going fishing with no bait " 

I new I was going to get some shit of him for this.........." No worries Peanut got a spare pint here, I will bring them with me". I fished the bread for 20 minutes but to no avail when Casterman came trudging up the bank with his dear stalker hat on.

All three of us are becoming famous for our hat styles don't you know !!!!!!!!.....pmsl.



Bald Eagle

Couldn't resist putting this on......so true aye lads....😉

Here's your maggots you peanut headed numpty " said Casterman. 

I had some bait to get cracking and build up a swim while  the Casterman got himself set up. 

For the next three hours we both tried every River Irwell trick in our arsenal..............to no avail. Conditions were perfect - apart from the melt water - an up steam wind, slight colour in a dropping river.......we could not get a sniff of a bite.....


I was thinking of packing up when I saw Casterman walking towards me all packed up and ready for a move. I thought I would have the famous

 " One last cast " 

Just as he arrive at my mud ladened peg my hand crafted stick float bobbed under and I struck.............." I'M IN CASTERMAN "  I shouted. We both laughed and couldn't believe it as my conni X 14 foot rod arched over as the hooked fish bore for the tree roots on the far bank. I had recently loaded some new 5 lb line on my Abu 704 closed face reel so I new I had all the tools to stop the initial run.

" You've worked bloody hard for this lad, don't loose her now " shouted Casterman with a grin.........

I stopped the first run but she kited up stream to a snag I got hooked up on before but I had the power and the kit to stop her and it  wasn't long before she was turned & safely in my waiting landing net.

" Its a River Irwell chub about the 3 lb mark " I said with a cheesy grin. - Earlier he had been ribbing me about not catching a chub for a few trips - Time for some pictures and the Casterman did the honours........

Buoyed with this little success I stayed for a further hour but not so much as a chewed grub.......

I left Casterman trying a new peg down stream - He has some staying power for an older bloke I can tell ya.....pmsl.......hahahhahahahha.

He will give me a slap for that .... Lol

Today's results were a little inclusive, but, I caught on my hand crafted stick floats. Casterman didn't on shop bought floats.......The experiment continues.......................

Makes you think though doesn't it ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the very first time I have beat him on his own turf.......

Testament to how good this bloke is on the stick float.

If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page.

Join Salford Friendly Anglers here for free.




PS: For the very first time while fishing I received some female attention. Not the kind I would usually go for........pmsl


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