On Sunday morning, with a certain amount of trepidation, I took my new stick floats out from their holding tube, placed them in my tackle box and went to meet      " The Casterman " for our stick float fishing trial. I felt like a kid on exam day. I have put a LOT of effort into making these floats. Raw material sourcing and trialling etc. not to mention the amount of time it takes to make just one float so I was hoping they gave a good account of themselves !!!!!!! 

A quick brew and I was off, river levels were on their way down and temperatures were on their way up, favourable conditions, no excuses there then. :) .... lol. 
I pulled up in the car park near our stretch of River for the day ......... - No sign of 
" The CasterMan " - he is usually early !!!!!! A quick text too Casterman -………..no reply ……………………………., but, not to worry his motor pulled up next to me and he jumped out full of beans .

" Where's my new floats "

were the first words he uttered to me. I was just glad he was here to test them for me. 

Without further a do we were both hoofed it down the road to the runs we were both going to fish. We both pondered the first one and decided against it. We would be squeezing two people on this run and we both agreed it wouldn’t take it plus we had all the river to go at , not another angler insight. 

Off to the next run, looked good to me but Casterman was mumbling something about too much melt water and, again it was off to the next run. This time Casterman was happy so we both tackled up and chose our stick floats of choice. We were both conscious of today being a testing day so Casterman had already chosen the stubby Irwell sticks to try and I the standard Alloy Stick.

Irwell Stick Floats

Alloy Stick Float - left & Wire Stemmed Stick Float - right.

This area of the river is "The Castermans Domain". Casterman has fished it for about fifteen years and I have never beat him on it............ Could today be my day ........ We will soon see I thought. My float was 6 or 7 no 4 shot and slid beautifully down the run, holds back fantastically and casts like a dream due to some secret weight modifications ......  :) .  I was very happy with my stick float of choice but there was one thing wrong ........ It wouldn't' t go under............ 
Forty minutes later.........still no fish ......when right at the end of my run, literally down to the backing line my hand crafted stick float buried and my rod was almost wrenched out of my hands. I was into a cracking fish. I had some old mono as backing line and I couldn't' t remember the breaking strain ........ so .... I SLAMED down the clutch and held on. One, two, three and four rod wrenching pulls off the fish .... 
" Lines going to go " I said to myself ........ As I waited for that horrible sound all anglers hate the " CRACK" of the line snapping ........, it didn’t happen, the fish never pulled that one last time ........ She started coming upstream towards me ....... Slowly but surely I was edging her up stream and I was gaining line. For what felt like 10 minutes I played her, smiling to myself thinking Casterman owes me a pint for the first fish... lol. I finally landed her, Casterman took some snaps and I left her to recover in my landing net before returning her.

My First Ever Fish On My Hand Made Stick Floats.

Middle Irwell Trout - fought like a tiger.

1 - 0 to the Peanut. This is the first time I have had one up on the Casterman on his own turf and I felt a little cocky. Casterman suggested a move and I hole heatedly agreed. So we packed up quick sticks and high tailed it off to another of the Irwell Masters secret stretches. 
When we arrived Casterman gave me first pick of the pegs but due to time restraints I blobbed down on the nearest half decent looking peg and set off on the waggler under the trees on the opposite bank. Fourth trot down my float disappeared and I was connected to another very good fish. Casterman skipped down from his peg to watch the final minute as this was another long battle. It was another Brown trout of about 3lbs -  You really have to hook these fish yourself, in the winter , they fight like barbel, bloody brilliant.

Another good Middle Irwell Trout.

Casterman was changing his setup having lost his waggler on a far bank branch. He opted for an Irwell stick float one of only two I have produced and I also changed to a standard  “ Peanut” Alloy Stemmed Stick Float as I wasn’t happy with my presentation on the waggler. Within minuets Casterman was into a good chub - you can't keep a good man down. As our bet was the first chub caught on one of my stick floats I think I owe him a pint at the next SFA meeting. I ran over to take some pictures of the first chub on an Irwell stick and I had to admit …………….” The Casterman “ is good……………..he’s very good.

With golden glory feeding I jumped back in my peg with renewed vigour, time was ticking now , I was up against the clock, 30 minutes and I had to call it a day when a shout from up river hits me ……………” Ooooh Peanuuuuut “ The Casterman shouts with a massive grin on his face……………..I couldn’t believe it, he was into another chub. We both had a chuckle at his micky taking Peanut call when I realised I couldn’t see my float. I gave it a quick tug thinking it was the bottom when a trout exploded out of the water about 30 yards down stream. This was a real angry little  brute tail walking and head shaking all the way up river, even at the net. We both landed our catches and took further pictures.

What a great morning on our beautiful river, January on the Irwell, stick float fishing, catching trout and chub of 3 lb upwards and on hand crafted stick floats too. Chuffed wasn’t the word !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Castermans Chub bag.

That was it for this deep cover black ops mission. I had to get back home before I was missed. I learnt a few thing regarding my floats today but one thing I learnt sticks out like a sore thumb.

“ Take the Casterman on in his own back yard at your peril “

I got my nose in front and then got it chopped off by 

“ The Caster Master “

My Stick Float Collection 07/02/15 & one cheeky Chubber.
One last look........

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PS: I caught him riffling through my gear at the end of the session in the car park.........


I'm going to have to make some more now.


  1. Cheers mike, I was really happy with the performance of the two sticks I tried. Castermans favourable reveiw was the icing on the cake. 😁

  2. Thanks for the comment by the way.


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HAND CRAFTED FLOATS 2014 - 2016 - Float making By The Peanut.