Little Britain Anglers - Eric Owen - Introductions.

Little Britain Anglers - The Beginnings - March 2014

I joined a new angling club last year in march ,

" Littlle Brittain Anglers ".

 Check them out on Face Book.

 It is a truly wonderful club to be in and bursting with friendly characters none more so than the Life Chairman and chief pollution fighter " Eric Owen

Eric exposing yet more fly tipping on the banks of the River Irwell in Radcliffe.

Eric and I hit it off straight away. We were both vigorously discussing a pollution incident via the Salford Friendly Anglers face book page when out of the blue I received a personal message off Eric asking me if I would like to fish his own personal stretch of the River Irwell near Bury or " The Red Zone " as it was known at the time.Well, you know me kids, it was like giving a 10 year old free sweets ................ I was down at Eric's house before you could say " stick float " ... lol.

Now, I had heard about "The Red Zone" - Eric's stretch of river - via posts on the SFA face book site by Mr Duddy and Clayton and had know idea where it was, so to receive a call off the big man - Eric - to come and fish it was like a dream come true.

That Saturday after work I drove down to Eric's house. As soon as I got in Eric's house a brew was made for me by the lovely Tracey - Erics wife - and we got talking fishing. Eric and I talked about the pollution incident for about 30 minutes and by this time all I wanted to do was go and see his stretch of river - Eric is a top bloke and will run through brick walls for our river but he can talk the ears off an elephant if you let him.......pmsl...Eric must have sensed my growing impatience and smiled at me and said " well fella do you want to see my little stretch of heaven????? ", "Do I " I replied so, off we went through his allotment and onto the river bank and all my Christmas's came at once.......

Erics & L.B.A. A Piece of heaven.

Eric also showed me the " ManCave '. This little beauty will have a write up all of its own and is another HUGE reason why this club is very different and absolutely brilliant.

We walked the bank talking about different swims and how they fished at different times of the season, what improvements he was hoping to make with the help of the E.A. and the possibility of forming a new fishing club. " Jesus " I thought I have on my feet here............   On the way back to Eric's house he said " Why don't you come and fish next Saturday. I will be in all day so access will not be a problem ". I had already thought about this and went one better. " No thanks pal " I said. Eric stopped in his tracks an looked at me quickly.....I said " I can book this Wednesday off work. No need to wait until Saturday " We both burst out laughing and walked back to his house where Tracey was preparing one of here lovely brews.

Peg 20, my favourite.

Wild Irwell chub.

The Casterman doing what he is best at.

And a summer chub from the Peanut.

Wednesday came around  and I got to Eric's late and  in typical Peanut fashion all my plans fell to pieces.

For the fishing tail please read " My Best River Irwell Fish To Date "

This is just a taster of the club, much more will be reviled in future posts.

Caught my first Irwell barbel at LBA 12.03.15.
For a full report read :

River Irwell barbel - Another Dream Realised.

Erics happy face after I told him of my barbel capture. He has caught one over 10lbs at the begining if the season. :)




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