Float Making - Part 5 - Hand Crafted Stick Floats.

Float Making Part 5 - Stick Floats.

If there is one method I love above all other types of fishing it is trotting a stick float in conjunction with a centerpin reel. It is the most intimate and satisfying way of catching fish I know, so, full of confidence after my successful waggler trials over the Christmas period I was confident enough to have a punt at making a few stick floats.

 " The Castetman " will field test these precious pieces of wood for me. Casterman will pull no punches with his float reviews either, otherwise, whats the point ?????
I require a none bias product review and I believe Casterman will do just that.......I'm a little nervous to be honest. I will never live it down if he slates them off.

Due to a lack of raw materials I was forced to make a cane stemmed stick float first. This float is very useful in the summer months fishing on the drop but not an ideal choice for testing at this time of year on the middle Irwell but the Casterman will not care. He will be happy receiving free floats and threatening me with a bad review.......lol

My very first hand crafted Cane Stemmed Stick Float:
Takes 9 no 4 a little heavy for my requirements.

A Christmas present of Mr & Mrs Salford Pete
At under £40.00 theae reels are now within grasp of the general angler.

No whipping / fancy danning was used in the production of these floats. This will be added later if deemed necessary. I am not a massive fan of whipped floats, however, the more I talk to a few more friends
 " Chris Rigby" on the Float Fishing page on face book the more I am coming round to its usefulness and improved aesthetics.

I am also working blind as to the weight capacity of these floats. I am relying on my recent waggler work to guide me on that score.
 ( I added the float weights just before publishing. Very pleased)

The second style of stick float I attempted was a wire stemmed stick float. This  will have more use on the River Irwell. Wire stemmed sticks have excellent stability and would be used quite often by many anglers on our river.

My first ever hand crafted Wire Stemed Stick Float:
5 no4, jobs a goodun.

The third pattern I have made is the alloy stemmed stick float. This is the one myself and Casterman are most interested in. This is the " Work Horse " float on our river. The alloy stemed stick float is very versatile pattern lending itself to a multitude of different fishing situations and scenarios. If I could get the thumbs up of the Casterman for this pattern I would be a very happy little nut.......lol.

My first ever handcrafted Alloy Stemmed Stick Floats:
5 & 6 no 4, who's the daddy. :)

Last but not least is a hybrid stick float that I have christened

" The Irwell stick float ". 

I have not been 100% happy with shop bought floats for the middle River Irwell. Our river is a spate river which, generally has fast glides and riffles. The shop bought patterns are generally too long for the depth of swims we fish, cutting the stem down would just throw the floats balance off  therefore , would not present the bait as effectively. I have thought of two ways of tackling this issue, the first was to reduce both body and stem length. This would balance up water depth to length of float ratio, the other was to create something which looked vey similar to a a large dibber but stretched and with a bullet shaped tip. I have ended up with a hybrid of the two ideas.

River Irwell Stick Floats 5.5 " long:
5 no 4 very pleased at my size guesstimates :))

Finally a group shot of my top and bottom river floats before they go to their new homes.

Sticks and a lone Chubber for Phil Clayton. He is an awkward bugger that Clayton asking for a chubber.
Once he sees the hybrid sticks he will want some of these for his trail blazing on the River Irk in Blackley.

Well, there we have it. I have completed all I can do regarding the manufacture of my stick floats, performance wise. Casterman will test them this weekend ,hopefully, giving me the thumbs up or the thumbs down. His findings will be reported good or bad.So lets see what the weekend brings.

A quick selfie.
From left to right,

The Casterman & The Peanut.

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HAND CRAFTED FLOATS 2014 - 2016 - Float making By The Peanut.