Inserted wagglers with Feather Inlays

Inseted Wagglers are great around floats.
Most anglers will have used these for years in many different guises

Great on still waters or rivers.
I will always have a selection of these in my bag.

These floats can be used for most situations from pellet and maggot fishing on commercial fisheries to big river fishing

I use mine mainly on rivers in the summer fishing up in the water, on the drop with maggots, casters and hemp to tempt silver fish such as roach, dace and chub.

The set below has been made in specific sizes and colours for various situations.
I hope you like them.
A day out on Inserted Wagglers with
The Casterman.

The full blog. ( an old one )

A modest 10 lb catch of
river roach
I don't mine TOO much when I get schooled off
" The Casterman "
16 lb 
of roach
Never mined the lucky result Derek.
The floats worked a treat.

Until the next time. . . . . 



PS :
When I make up a batch of floats I have started making an extra one now and then.
Its a thank you for all the help he has given me through out my life.
Just wish he told me he would like his own collection years ago....

If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

Join our club......Its FREE !!!!!!!


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