A New Pike Float For " The Pike Whisperer "

If you are a fisherman especially a pike fisherman from Manchester this kid needs no introduction.

" Kayden McCarthy "

Is a member of Salford Friendly Anglers and 
an exceptional young Pike angler.
Like all young keen fisheman he is on the banks more than most adults and as we all know only too well........
location is key !!!!!!!!!

In the last few years Kayden has caught some massive crocs from the inner Manchester canal systems.

At the Salford Friendly Anglers Christmas doo after Kayden has won the

" Fish Of The Year "
For the second time.
( A feet un-acheived by any adults I might add )
I thought I would ask his opinion on a new pike float I had made.
As I showed him his eyes lit up . . .

" You can have this if you like m8 "
I added, glad I could help the lad out.

" Mike, its lovely, but, for the canal . . . .
Its . . . . . .
TOO LONG . . . "
we both said laughing in unison.
I had made the new pike float for reservoir fishing so i understood the disappointment in the young lads face
Thinking on my feet I told Kayden about a pair of new
" Retro Pike Floats"
I have been constructing.
and promised to make him one for his future adventures.
The first one went well which was a
in line slider float as previously posted.


Kaydens was a nightmare. . . .
I made the same mistake twice on the float.
Twice I had to start from scratch which is very annoying
and disappointing to me and to Kayden to no doubt.
But at least it's finished now and is ready to go.
All be it at the end of the season.

Here is Kaydens new float
A Retro Cork, Sight Bob Pike Float in day glow orange with black, purple and gold whippings.
I hope, as discussed, this float is not to heavy for your needs my young friend.
If so I can always make you a lighter version . . But . . . .
You will probably be 20 by the time I get round to finishing it. !!!!!!!

Some of Kadens "Croc" catches.

Until the next time. . . . . 



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

Join our club......Its FREE !!!!!!!


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HAND CRAFTED FLOATS 2014 - 2016 - Float making By The Peanut.