"Shouldered Pacemaker " A Present For Reel Specialist. 😊

Victor Homewood,
the kind chap who transformed my two fishing reels asked me to make him an over sized . . . 

 " Shouldered Pacemaker Float "
These floats are designed to be fished where the water is too turbulent for the hardiest of stick floats but are more sensitive than balsas or loafers.
Generally they are used for smaller baits, maggots and casters etc.
Victor requested it to be over sized because he also wanted to use it for stret pegging.
( Another dying art I will write a full blog about in due course )
This particular float is made from balsa and has a birch tip and stem.
The body paint is metallic blue pearl paired with a double feather inlay of Jay feathers.

Again , apologies.
My photographic skills do not do the float justice. . . . .

Whipping are metallic gold, black and a small purple tag at the base.
To finished we opted for a fluorescent orange tip.
Many opinions vary regarding the stem on pacemakers & stick floats. We opted for birch, mainly due to the fact that Victor wished to use the float for stret pegging as well as trotting so we opted for the extra buoyancy over balance.

Other stem options are lignum, stainless steel, plastic and alloy.

I will have to pair one of these
Shouldered Pacemakers " up with the 
" Creature Reacher "
The " Trudex " Victor refurbished for me . . . .. 

When I get chance to get on the Ribble !!!!!!!!!!!!

Oooooh . . . . . . . . .
what a " Tackle Tart " I have become . . . .LOL

PS: I think Mr Boyne may want one of these Victor . . . . . . .
And I know just the peg to try one . . . . .😉

Hahaha . . . . . Just got a pm off Mr Boyne.
He wants two . . . . . Lol

A full trotting version and one similar to Victors but a sliding version. 😲

I think I will make up half a dozen of these as myself and "Salford Pete " will be fishing the same couple of pegs as Andrew soon. 😊😊😊😊

Until the next time..........



If you would like to look at all of the hand crafted floats I make please click on the link below and it will take you to my float page.


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