Summer Camo.Avons-5BB--New Paint Job

 Hi all,

I had a few spare bodies staring at me in my blank box over the last few months. In December I finally had a few hours spare to try out a new paint job.

(New to me anyway)

A few test cards later and some frustrated attempts I decided on three colours to play with, Eath Brown, Hunter Green & Canary Yellow plus Standard White and Fluorescent Orange, all of which I made myself.

I kept the threads simple using only two, Yellow/gold and black.

There are eight of these floats in total, all in balsa and with hardwood stems.

Here is a short video of one float which shows it in great detail.

I was expecting to ruin a few floats but luckily I didn't, also, I was not sure about the paint job initially as I usually like things crisp and precise which is the opposite of what I was trying to achieve with these floats, but, for a first attempt, I am rather please with the results.

The Avons below have the same diameter balsa body, but, are heavier than the previous Alloy Stem Avons and have a hardwood stem which increases their buoyancy.

Previous Alloy Avon Link.

I will be using one these on a large, slow moving river that I fish on the inside line for roach, perch, chub and the occasional bream.

If I get some me time over the Christmas period I may play around with some different colours combinations to see what I can create.

We shall see.

PS: I did make nine but Salford Pete has already nicked one for his own🙄🙄🤣



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 If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below.

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