Slate Grey, Multi-Segmented Antennae Bodied Wagglers

 Afternoon all,

Due to a wash out today there will be no fishing for me......but evey cloud has a silver lining as it enabled me to finish the two wagglers below.

These are a slight variation on the 

"Bodied Antennae Wagglers" I have previously made.

There is no change in the build.

5AAA balsa, hardwood, brass eyes and fluorescent paints, slate grey bodied plus various thread colours.

The difference between the two floats is the segment pattern near the tip of the float.

I have seen first hand how the roach feed/ bite, at distance, on the slow flowing, deep river these floats were designed for and belive the changes suggested will improve performance.

After a discussion with a fellow silver fish angler and friend we dicided to split the white and fluorescent yellow segments with another black band of thread, effectively splitting the latter to segments in half, hopefully to enable improved bite detection from the shy biting roach.

Any way, enough are a pair of the new versions. 

I hope you like them.

If you missed my last blog regarding the effectivness of the original floats click the link below.



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 If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below.

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