Quill & Pin.....An Evening Tench Session

 Hi all,

I' ve been getting out a bit for a change!!!!

Working in Yorkshire I have been exploring a few local ponds and lakes.

I do like a nice early season tench so armed with a Youngs B.J. Pin and a custom made Harrison SU Waggler Rod from Andew Boyne I had a couple of hours on a local lake.

It was a slow start tonight, surprising as the weather as much warmer then the prevous session.

Bream were the first to show. I had seven or eight of these before a small mirror put a bend in my rod. 

After an hour I had a big lift bite off a small tench which is what I was after.

Not the biggest but put a nice bend in the rod.

A short time afterwards another, even smaller one graced my landing net.

I had a few more larger carp and bream,  called it a day when I couldn't see my float.

All in all a good night with plenty of bites and fish.

PS: I dont usually like comecials but this one is very nice.



 If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below.     https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-and-fishing.html?m=1  

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