Dads & Lads Small Antennae Wagglers

 Hi all,

My Old Man AKA 

"Salford Pete"

has recently proffessed an interest in fishing some local Yorkshire pools. Last week we disgussed which two float patterns would be best for his style of fishing.

One Sunday evening after many post meal brandies we chame up with the following float pattern.

The first pattern is a small bodied,antennae, waggler which will be used for his silver fishing at short to medium range at a depth of approximately 4.5 feet.


For the antenee pattern we decide on a balsa body, a hard wood stem, a brass eye, a fluorescent red/pink sight tip, and black and violet whippings. 

My dad requested the floats body colour in "Hunter Green"...... I also had the same.




This will be used a a general maggot, caster,punch and small pellet float by me and my dad when we eventually get out to fish together.

Hopefully a few fish pictures will folow later on this month.

The second pattern for margin fishing is still to be is a toss up between a dibber for me and a carp stlker for my dad.....still......a good excuse for a few more brandies.




 If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats click on the link below.  

    Join our club......Its FREE  !!!!!!! 


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