Tench and Crucians On A New Lake

It is the night before the river season opens but the weather was spot on, so...........instead of tying some new river rigs I decided kill two birds with one stone.

Try out a new lake in Yorkshire I have recently found. 

Try out the new porcupine quills I have made.

Only lightly load with tackle and floats I had a leisurely, short drive to the new lake, paid my £4.00 and started setting up. 
I was shoting my new quill when the owner came over for a chat.

I had initially met him last week, chatting about the lake, what is in it and all the wild life that is present near by.
He gave me a little more information regarding baits and tactics and wished me luck on my short evening session.

I decided to keep it simple and fish two swims down the side, left and right with micro pellets, corn and soft pellet.
It didn't take long for the action to start !!!!

First I was into some decent roach which I could just about swing in on the Harrison SU without bumping them off.
Lovely though the roach were I was a little over gunned as I was after carp, crucians and tench.
It was long not before to roach moved out and the bream moved in. 

I had quite a lot , 20 or more between 1 lb and 1.5 lbs ...... then I got a good bend in the rod as the pin scream off and I was into something with a bit of power.
A short but very enjoyable fight ensued in which the fish headed doggedly for the lilies. I constantly applied side strain to try and 
keep her in the clear water in front of me.
All great fun on the pin.
The power of the Harrison SU then eventually brought up the fishes head from the base of the lily bed and she was soon in the landing net.
A lovely common carp of around 3 lb.

Well, that's one off the list I thought !!!!!
 A quick picture and I was fishing once more.

They owner had said there were crucians and tench present in the lake but I had not seen any evidence of them yet !!!!!!
The bream then showed up once more so I had a brew and a sandwich.....lol
Ten minutes had passed and I changed from maggot to pellet with instant success !!!! 
This felt a little different to the others!!!!!!
As it broke the surface I saw the olive green flash of a small tench.
There is something very special to me about catching a tench on the float on a lily fringed lake.
I was buzzing 

Ok, we were looking good at this stage!!!!
A crucian would just cap off the session.

The next fish just powered off to the other side of the lake. I had her on for about five minutes but, un-luckily, lost her to a hook pull.

This little cheeky interloper then turned up. 
I didn't even know they where in here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The light was now fading and the witching hour was rapidly approaching....

Lets see what the new lake has to offer 
 I dropped my rig in down the left side over my lose feed of micros for thirty seconds nothing happened.
I then pushed my float tight up to the reed bed on my left, fishing in about a foot of water.

With a tactical change to sweetcorn I dropped my rig down the left side once more over my lose feed of micros in the slightly deeper water. 
For thirty seconds nothing happened.
The float then bobbed, then lifted showing the multiple yellow and white segments, another bob then a big lift, then she sailed away !!!!!
This felt like something different. When playing crucians they seem to give a little tell tail rattle a little like a roach but slightly different..... and this was feeling just like that
As I got her to the surface I was greeted with a lovely flash of gold and red.
It was a crucian, the last target fish of the session !!!!!!!

What a great day it turned out to be
I had one last flick in, not expecting much. The porcupine quill buried immediately and the pin screamed off the the lilly beds opposite me.
This turned out to be the biggest fish of the session at around 5lb.
A common in lovely condition.
Sorry about the picture it was getting really dark at this stage. 

Some times when you fish a new water and your expectations are high it does not really live up to the hype you have created in you mind.........


It was everything I had hoped it would be and I was only playing at it tonight. 
Once I form a picture of how and where to fish it we may see some lovely creatures on the bank.

I savoured the last minutes of light as the darkness rapidly encroached over this lovely little oasis.
As I left the bats where dancing across the misty lake, owls were hooting in the surounding forest and I thought to myself.......
This is why I love fishing.
What a fantastic evening.




 If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.     https://purplepeanut007.blogspot.com/2017/01/handcrafted-floats-and-fishing.html?m=1  

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