SFA Float Auction . Meeting The Winner

As you know I offered up a couple of floats to the SFA for an auction prize.
" Stuart Vachre "
Won the auction kindly offering £30.00 for a pair of my inserted wagglers.
I contacted Stuart after the auction to sort out delivery.
During the conversation we found out that Stuarts sister went to school with my partner, were friends and had recently meet up at a reunion so instead of posting the floats we decided to meet at my local pub for a good chinwag
Stuart has never really been river fishing so I am going to organise a little tutorial for him on the Irwell.
Mainly stick float fishing but.....
I may show him my waggler if he's lucky.
I must thank Stuart for his generous bid of £30.00 for the pair of inserted wagglers above.
All monies were payed directly to the SFA's fish stocking fund.
Well done Stuart.
We shall wet a line together soon m8.


  If you would like to look at my handcrafted  click on the link below.

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