Trotting The Unknown With The Casterman

I cannot believe it has take me this long to get out with my mate
" The Casterman"
Derek Kenyon.
On this outing we had decided to meet at the venue as I had to be home early so two cars were necessary.
Derek arrived first and I rocked up about ten minutes later.
" How do "
We said to each other.
" Its been too long since the last time we wet a line together.
We got our kit out quickly and started off towards the river.
As we arrived we started looking for some likely holding areas. One run hit me straight away but it was three quarters of the way across the river.
Castetman only had thigh waders on, mine were chest waders so, luckily I had the option for that run and I took it gratefully.
Casterman opted for the slower water in the shade of a row of Horse chestnut trees in the hope this would be the home of a shoal of wary chub or even his favourite species . . . .
the roach.
We both opted for stick floats.
I chose a 8 number 4's Irwell stick.
( Or the
" Liberace stick float "
as i like to call it as it has far to much gold thread on it......
Derek opted for the same weight of float but he chose a retro stick float due to the more stable water in front of him.
My run consisted of two different bodies of water meeting , forming a deep hole immediately to my right and ending in a fast gravel run which shallowed up to about three foot.
I fished the deeper line in front of me, holding back later in in the run where it shallowed and edged the float through at a forty five degree angle over depth.........trying to cover as much area of water as possible.
I have fished like this on many occasions and have learnt to lower my expectations on Manchesters rivers and just be happy to be out. So you cam imagine my surprise when on the sixth run down my float dibbed under !!!!!

I shouted out to my pal.
" I'm in Derek "
I could not tell from the fight which species of fish it was.
It was a little wriggler so imagine my surprise when I swung her in !!!!!!!!
It was only another grayling !!!!!!!
I spent years not catching these . . . . . .
and now, it seams I can not stop
Casterman voiced his approval of this  milestone in my
river hunt with a deep Bury grunt followed by " " Well in lad. . . . . .
Lets hope there are a few more. . . .
I haven't had a bite !!!!!!

I release the little lady . . . .
fighting fit for another day,
re-baited and got back into my rhythm.
Half a dozen trots later I shouted to
" The Casterman '
" Any bites mate "
" Noooo lad. I've add nowt.
Not so much as a sucked maggot
Came the disgruntled reply.
I was contemplating a move down stream when at the end if the run, edging my float downstream at an angle my little Irwell stick bobbed under and disappeared into the depths of the river.
I was so surprised at the disappearance of my float the strike was slightly delayed !!!!!
I did. . . . .. to my surprise meet solid resistance.
As I slowly played the fish I though to myself " This is a better stamp. . . . .  I wonder what it is !!!!!!!!
I was being ultra careful
( you don't get many bites on Manc rivers
and dew her upstream  . . . . .
at the same time shouting out to
" The Casterman "
I'm In . . . .
And she's descent
" Probably a trooout lad "
Said Derek . . . . .
not even breaking his rhythm
" This is not a trout I thought "
You can tel a trout a mile off
when they shake their head you can actually feel it up though the line and then the rod.
Its a tell tail sign that gives them away.
This was different.
As I reached out with my net I started to tremble
I quickly shimmied back the landing net handle to look at my capture.
I looked . . . . . . .
then looked again
Not believing my eyes
It was another grayling
but the biggest one I had ever seen
Easily over two pounds and from a Mancunian river to
I had to blink and look again
I am not an expert grayling angler by any means but this was a beauty
Derek, Derek
look at this
Its massive
" What is it Cootesie "
" its a grayling . . . .
a two pouder "

" Lets have a look
I will take some pictures for you ".
I waded over to
 " The Casterman "
and showed him the beautiful creature in my net.
" Jesus . . . . .
that's a belting fish Mike.
" What did you get her on?
" Double maggot . . . . .
Nothing fancy "
I replied
" I will get the sun behind me and take few pictures for you my friend "
After a few pictures I took her to a faster run and nursed her back to full fitness.
I took a quick video of her release as my still pictures do not do justice to the beautiful creature you are about to see.
I just wish I was better with a camera as I really didn't do this fish justice.
Its not a record breaker by any means but it is a grayling pb for me by a country mile.
Below is a picture of the first grayling from the session.
 After I stopped trembling we moved and tried a few more runs.
Derek had a few grayling but I blanked.
We decided to try a small tributary for an hour before we set off home.
Derek had a brace of good trout.....2 lbs approximately and I had a small chub. 
Well worth a visit in the future.
Unfortunately when we got back to the car Derek's photos of my pb grayling did not turn out 
Why ?
We still not know
But at east I have a few pics to remind me.
Looking forward to our next adventure
" Casterman "



If you would like to look at my handcrafted floats just hit the link.

Join our club......Its FREE !!!!!!!


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